The “Foundation” Suite

Delivering on-time and on-budget all of your commitments requires good planning. However, so often the information to do that is distributed across the project, and time-consuming to find.

The Project Science Foundation suite for Atlassian Jira Cloud helps you steer new tasks through the key “who what where when how and why” questions, by providing you insight distilled from the context of your project.

The Return on Investment is substantial.

This is a new and growing natural language predictive analytics suite of apps for Jira, already providing valuable bearings to scrum masters, agile teams and project and programme managers. Here is our road-map.

Available now

Predict helps with the when by giving you an indicative spectrum of likely durations and story point estimates every time you create a new ticket (or Jira issue), by reading and understanding your task description, which it combined with information in your project. Arrive at your destination on time, with consistent estimates across your project.

Try it now the Predict for Jira user guide, or visit the Atlassian Marketplace - Predict for Jira.

Knowledge points you to information that will help with the “how do I accomplish this ticket?”. Reduce development time and have a more productive crew by drawing on existing knowledge that you may not even know you had.

Read the Knowledge for Jira user guide, or visit the Atlassian Marketplace - Knowledge for Jira.

Products in Release

Expert will be released in May 2024, and tells you who knows about the subject matter of this ticket. Ideal for both assigning work and knowing who to ask for help.

An app for Where is scheduled for June. The only clue we will give you is its likely name… Context. And after that we have What and Why apps planned for the summer.

Secure by Design - Data Matters

All of the Foundation suite uses the knowledge in existing Jira project tickets. All of our apps are built using our Secure by Design methodology.

None of our apps export your data outside of the Jira project in which it resides, so there are no data privacy issues that you have not already evaluated when choosing Jira. Furthermore, our apps do not modify your Jira project data.

And Finally

If you have suggestions or requests for the road map, or would just like to talk to us, please get in touch.


Expert for Jira - End User Privacy and Security Policy

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Expert for Jira - End User Terms and Conditions

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Expert for Jira - Service Level Agreement (SLA)

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Expert for Jira - User Guide

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Agile Ways of Working

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Foundation Suite - Return on Investment

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Predict for Jira - User Guide

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Knowledge for Jira - End User Privacy and Security Policy

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Knowledge for Jira - End User Terms and Conditions

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Knowledge for Jira - Service Level Agreement (SLA)

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Knowledge for Jira - User Guide

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Predict for Jira - End User Privacy and Security Policy

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Predict for Jira - End User Terms and Conditions

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Predict for Jira - Service Level Agreement (SLA)

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